Wednesday 21 March 2012


Hi everyone

I am a bit of a puzzle freak as you will no doubt come to realise the mor walkthroughs I put on here. I used to buy the Puzzler magazines religiously and when I was pregnant, that's all I used to do! Imagine my excitement then, when I was browsing the app store and found a Puzzler app! My two most favourite things, my iPad2 and Puzzler, all rolled into one!

I was rather disappointed however to find that some of the solutions couldn't be found by my trawling the net and I had to resort to downloading Sudoku- and Crossword helping apps to give me a hand. I vowed one day, I would put all the solutions on so that someone else wouldn't have to! And here I am doing just that. 

The app itself is very user friendly. I will put up some of the screens for you to have a look at if you get lost but it is all quite self-explanatory. There are different achievements in the form of trophies, if you click on the trophy or the plinth, you will see what you need to do in order to unlock them. The big one you're after is to successfully finish all puzzles in the game which is harder than it sounds as there are over 1000 puzzles. There is quite a good help section will I show you in the next post where you can go if you are stuck on the puzzle instructions or any other aspect of the game, I was going to do it myself but they have explained it all so well, there is really no need for me to do so.

I did try Puzzler World 1 but was not happy with it. I found the puzzles were okay but it was really not user friendly and actually ended up getting annoyed with it and deleting it. You may want to give it a try though! Puzzler World 2 is available in the app store for free and you get 100 puzzles for downloading it free of charge. You will however haves to purchase more puzzles if you find that you like it - you can either pay £5.99 for all 1000 puzzles which is incredibly steep but if you're an avid puzzle player like me, you can justify it. Or you can pay 69p to unlock a pack as often as you want. 

I hope you enjoy my solutions and thank you for reading this! I would love your comments and feedback please! 

Thanks, Tanya x

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