Sunday 25 March 2012


So... Here are the basics for you all. I must point out a few things though before we get started!

1. The trophy page is missing 2 stamps as you can see below. The ones missing are A) try to collect 45 items within a minute and B) earn 500,000 points in any location. Basically, Letters from Nowhere was originally a computer game which had a Challenge Mode and an Unlimited Mode. In the Unlimited Mode, you were able to choose a location and there would be 50 items in there for you to find. This is where the 2 missing stamps would come into place. I don't think you can actually get these 2 stamps in the iPad version, at least not the way I've been trying! I have emailed the relevant people to see if this is indeed the case and will keep you updated!

2. I touched on this in my other post but basically, if you want to add another profile, the search list will not be the same as the solutions I have provided you as they change. The solutions will only work if you are the first profile.


The story starts off with a concerned wife named Audrey. Her husband didn't meet her after work and when walking home, a man follows her. She gets home, no sign of him, and falls asleep, in the morning there is still no sign of her husband Patrick. She files a missing persons complaint but the police don't really do much. When she gets back home, she decides to clean out the cellar for some much needed distraction. On doing so, she discovers a letter from someone; she's not sure whether it's Patrick or someone pretending to be Patrick.

She goes through each location, trying to find more letters and artifacts leading to her husband. The more letters she uncovers, the more she realises how much danger she's in! The letters are coming from a postman who died 30 years ago at the hand of an undercover society at a university he worked at. A woman named Jane, used a love potion to lure him into a crypt where they performed a horrible ritual on him and took his life. Patrick is about to suffer the same fate unless Audrey stops them!
Thanks, Tanya x

To - enter your name here
Play - takes you to the beginning of the game so you can start playing
Options - you can change the volumes here
Trophy room - these are your achievements as such, these will update as you work your way through the game
Tell a friend - if you enjoy it so much, why not share it with a friend?
There are also options to log on to Facebook to share your achievements on your timeline or to go to the G5 website and check out their other games

This is what I mean about the profiles. If you are the only one or the top one, then my solutions will work for you. If you're not, they may be in a different order.

Click the picture to change the background to suit whatever mood you're in.

Here are your achievements. They will unlock as you work your way through the game. You can access this from the main start up page or you can also get to it on the start up of each episode.

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